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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부

18           notice                                       공고문

              estimate                                    추정하다

              participate in                             참가하다

              opportunity                               기회

              look forward to                          학수 고대하다

              Best regards                              안부전해 주세요

19           be far from                               거리가 먼

              wildlife                                      wildlife

              exotic                                       이국적인

              slid into                                    slide into의 과거: 미끄러지듯 들어가다


              canal                                         운하

              mangroves                                맹그로브(강가나 늪지에서 자라는 열대 나무)

              alongside                                  따라서

              lizards                                       도마뱀

              adventure                                  모험

              exclaimed                                  외쳤다 (exclaim의 과거)

20           Summit                                     정상

              guarantee                                  보증하다

              at risk                                       위기에 처한

              step out of                                벗어나다, ~에서 나오다

              comfort zone                             (일을) 적당히 함

              challenge                                   도전하다

              conventional                              관습적인

              innovate                                    혁신하다

              leadership                                 지도력

              require                                      요구한다

              internal                                     내적인

              status quo                                 현재 상태

              venture                                     나아가 도전하다

              beyond the
boundaries                                               경계를 넘어

              current                                      현재의

              at the edges                              가장자리에

21           at a company retreat                  회사 단합대회에서

              put in                                      

                        at one particular retreat              한 특정한 수련회에서

              maximum                                  최대

              have in motion                          움직이고 있는

              demonstrate                              보여주다

              concerned                                 걱정하는, 관심 갖는

              deliver                                      전달하다

              ultimately                                  궁극적으로

              delegation                                 위임

22           Sensory-specific                         감각 특정적인

              satiety                                      포만()

              is defined as                              ~로 정의 된다

              appetite                                    식욕

              subjective                                  주관적인

              a variety of                                많은 종류의, 다양한

              overeat                                     과식하다

              sated                                        ~에 물린, 지겨워하는

              motivation                                동기

              apparent                                   분명한

              dessert cart                               디저트, 후식 카트

              sensory properties                      관능 속성

              intake                                       섭취

              hedonic ratings                          쾌락적 평가

23           intellectual property                   지식재산권, 지식소유권

              heirs                                         상속인

              copyright status                         저작권 지위

              legislation                                 법률, 입법

              Copyright Term Extension Act     저작권 보호기간 법률

              defend                                      (말이나 글로) 옹호하다

              impoverished                             빈곤한, 가난에 처한

              descendants,                              후손

              beneficiaries                              수혜자, 수익자(beneficiary 복수 꼴)

              transnational                             초국가적인

              dual                                          두 부분으로 된, 이중의

              reasonable                                 합당한

              outdated                                   구식인

              be incorporated into                   ~에 통합시키다

              frustrate                                   좌절시키다

              endeavors                                 시도, 노력

              lyrics                                         가사

24           ethical                                       윤리적인

              produce                                    농산물, 농작물

              corresponding type                    해당 유형

              Rainforest Alliance                     열대우림연합

              Fairtrade                                   공정무역

              Vegetarian meat alternatives       채식주의자 콩고기(고기 대체음식)

25           celebrated                                 유명한, 명성이 높은

              hold the distinction of                특징을 갖다

              unrivaled                                   타의 추종을 불허하는

              access                                       접근 권, 입장기회

              granted                                     승인된, 허용된

              backstage access                        무대 뒤 접근 권

              historic                                     역사적으로 중요한, 역사에 남을 만한, 역사적인

              vivid                                         생생한

              iconic                                        우상의

              imagery                                    사진

              career                                       경력

26           Volleyball                                  배구

              is hosting                                  열려고 한다, 열 것이다(host: 유치하다, 열다

              brief                                         간략한

              participants                               참가자

              individual                                  개별적인

              strategies                                  전략

              Participation fee                         참가비

27           charity                                      자선

              donation                                   기부

              purchasing                                구매, 구입

              Registration                               등록

              Safety Instruction                      안전유의사항 안내

              comfortable                               편한

              sunscreen                                  자외선 차단제, 자외선 차단크림

              refreshments                             다과

28           Psychologists                             심리학자

              substantial                                상당한

              amounts                                   금액, 합계;

              charities                                    자선, 자선 단체

              positive                                     긍정적인

              impact                                      영향

              evidence                                    증거

              indicate                                     나타내다, 보여주다

              warm glow givers                       훈훈하고 은은한 기부자

              regardless of                             상관없이

              or less                                       이하로, 정도로

              is likely to                                 ~일 것 같다

              exceed                                      넘다

              benefit                                      보상, 혜택

              processing the donation              기부 절차

29           prominent                                 중요한, 유명한

              archaeologists                            고고학자

              treasure hunters                        보물 찾는 사람

              accumulate                                (서서히) 모으다, 축적하다

              cooperate with                           협력하다

              tomb robbers                            도굴범

              shipwrecked                              난파한

              artifacts                                    유물, (천연물과 대비하여) 인공물, 공예품

              On the contrary                         반대로, 대조되게

              assistants                                  조수

              Institute of Nautical Archaeology 해양 고고학 연구소

              a decade of                               10

              year-round                                연중 계속

              conservation                              보존

              catalog                                      목록

              excavate                                    발굴하다

              interpret                                   해석하다

              finds                                         (흥미롭거나 가치 있는) 발견물

30           creator                                      창작가, 창조자

              comic strips                               연재만화

              dramatically                               극적으로

              cartooning                                 만화 제작

              the host of the show                  프로그램의 진행자

              cartoonist                                  만화가

              handwritten                               손글씨로 쓴

              rejections                                  불합격(가산명사) [참고: rejection(불가산명사) 거절]

              discouraged                               낙담하다

              got inspired                               영감을 받았다(get inspired의 과거)

              submit                                      제출하다

              be rejected                                거절되다

              materials                                   자료

              career                                       직업

              encouragement                          격려

              stuck with                                 고수했다(stick with의 과거)

              obviously                                  확실히

31           Apocalypse Now                        지옥의 묵시록(영화 이름)

              popularity                                 인기

              adaptation                                 각색

              Heart of Darkness,                     어둠의 심연(소설 이름)

              incidental                                  일어나는, 수반되는, 따라오는

              fundamental                              기본적인

              narrative                                   서술, 내러티브

              central character                        중심 인물

              spiritual                                    정신의, 영적인

              confront                                    마주치다, 닥치다

              deranged                                   제정신이 아닌

              aspects                                     측면

              civilisation                                 문명

              contemporary                            동시대의

              release                                      개봉 작

              audiences                                  관객

              identify                                     ~와 동일시하다

              literal adaptation                        원작 그대로의 각색

32           I bet                                         틀림없이 ~이다

              right cue                                   정확한 단서, 정확한 신호

              file away                                   밀려 사라지다

              compete for                              ~를 위해 ~와 싸움하다

              not necessarily                           ~은 아닌

              the right hook                           정확한 갈고리

              unique                                      독특한

              pull out of                                 빠져 나오다

33           agriculture                                 농사

              decline                                      쇠퇴하다

              typical                                       전형적인

              vast                                          방대한, 엄청나게 큰

              majority                                    대다수

              incapable of                               ~할 수 없는

              production                                생산

              at the expense of                       ~를 희생하는 대가로

              staple                                       주요한

              crop                                          곡물

              maize                                        옥수수

              peasant                                     소농(小農)

              sufficient                                   충분한


              essential                                    중요한

              argument                                  논쟁

              the capitalist mode of production 자본주의의 생산양식

34           mechanical processes                  역학적 과정

              replicate                                    복제하다, 되풀이하다

              set apart                                   구별하다

              species                                      종류

              surrender                                  포기하다

              supposedly                                추정하기에

              permanent                                영원한, 영구적인

              identity                                     정체성

              crisis                                         위기에 처한

              continually                                지속적으로

              what humans are good for          인간은 뭘 하면 좋을까

              toolmakers                                도구 제작자

              moral ethicists                           도덕적 윤리학자

              irony                                         아이러니, 역설적인 점[상황]

              utilitarian                                  실용성 있는, 실리적인

              productivity                               생산성

              economics of abundance             풍요의 경제학

              arrival                                       도래

              artificial intelligence                   인공지능

              humanity                                  인간, 인류

35           context                                     문맥

              media literacy                            미디어 정보 해독력

              argue                                        분명히 보여주다, 입증하다

              aware of                                   알다, 식식하다

              acquire                                      습득하다

              reinforce                                   강화하다

              with regard to                           ~에 관해서는

              peer-to-peer                              인터넷에서 개인과 개인이 직접 연결되어 파일을 공유하는 방식

              bullying                                     약자를 괴롭히기

              element                                    부류

              basic principle                            기본 원리

              accumulate                                모으다, 늘리다

              a golden rule                             황금률, 금과옥조

              consequences                            결과

              potential                                   가능성

              environment                              환경

              Hence                                       그런고로

              awareness                                 인식

              characteristics                            특성

              seemingly                                  겉보기엔

              trivial                                        사소한

              crucial                                       중요한

36           consumer magazines                  소비자 잡지, (영리 추구의) 상업 잡지

              subscriptions                             구독

              advertising                                광고

              account for                                달하다

              circulation                                 판매부수

              objectivity                                 객관성

              revenue                                     수익

              typically                                    전형적으로

              single issues                              단권

              potential readers                        잠재적 독자

              insert                                        삽입하다

              distribute                                  배포하다

              Professional                               전문적인

              specialized                                 전문화된

              associations                               협회

              feature                                      특별히 포함하다, 특징으로 삼다

              targeted                                    목표가 된

37           biological                                  생물학적인

              phenomenon                             현상

              moral implications                      도덕적 암시

              contract                                    병에 걸리다

              influenza                                   독감, 유행성 감기

              attribute to                               ~의 탓으로 돌리다

              mother-in-law                            시어머니, 장모

              relatives                                    친척

              tribesmen                                  부족[종족] 구성원

              vital                                          필수적인

              primitive community                  원시 공동체

              sanction                                    제재

              misbehavior                               비행

              pillars                                       기둥, 기본적인 부분[특징]

              order                                        질서

              take over                                   중요하게 된다

              supernaturalistic                        초자연주의적인

              prevailing                                  우세한[지배적인]

              moral offences                           도덕적 범죄

              individual                                  개인

38           deficiency                                  부족, 결핍

              evolve                                       진화하다

              preferences                               선호

              hunter-gatherers                        수렵채집인

              caloric                                       (), 칼로리의

              infants                                      영유아

              toxins                                       독소,

              adaptively                                 순응적으로

              adjust                                       조절하다

              deficits                                      부족, 결핍

              likewise                                     마찬가지로

              intake                                       섭취

              deplete                                     고갈시키다

              specific                                     특유의, 독특한

              evolved                                     진화된

              mechanisms                              구도, 기제, 메커니즘

              adaptive                                    조정의; 적응할 수 있는

              coordinate                                 조화시키다

              consumption                             소비

39           postulate                                   가정하다

              contamination                           오염

              airborne                                    공중의

              transport                                   운반


              power plants                             발전소

              municipal                                  지방 자치제의, [/]

              incinerator                                 소각로

              incident                                     사건

              alert to                                     의식하게 하다, 주의를 환기시키다

              organic                                     유기물, 유기의

              mercury                                    수은

              discharge                                  배출, 방출; 방출하다, 배출하다

              the waters                                 바다

              harbor                                      품어 주다, 집이 되다

              commercial                                상업의

              bioaccumulate                           <유독 물질이> 생체 내에 축적되다

              tissue                                        조직

              neurological                               신경의

              symptoms                                 증상

              subsequently                             나중에

              prevention                                 예방

              recognize                                  알다, 인식하다

              traces                                       극미 량, 조금

              Strictly controlled                       엄격히 통제된

              emission standards                     배출 기준

              minimize                                   최소화하다

              advisories                                  경보, 주의보; 자문, 고문

              issue                                         발부되다

              recommend                               추천하다

40           interaction                                 상호 작용

              preselected                                미리 정해진

              available                                    쓸 수 있는

              encounters                                만남

              a wide variety of                        많은

              concentrate on                           집중하다

              electronic                                  전자의

              preprints                                   견본 인쇄

              physicists                                  물리학자

              devote                                      바치다, 쏟다

              receptive                                   수용적인

              facilitate                                    가능하게[용이하게] 하다

              voluntary                                  자발적인, 임의적인, 자진한

              homogeneous                            단일의, 동종[동질]

              overwhelming                            압도적인

              tendency                                   경향

              overfilter                                   과도하게 여과하다

              eliminate                                   제거하다, 없애다

              diversity                                    다양성

              circulate                                    순환하다; 순환시키다

              diminish                                    줄이다, 약화시키다

              frequency                                  빈도

              radically                                    급진적으로

              virtual                                       가상의

              archives                                    보관소, 아카이브

              available                                    이용할 수 있는

              emulate                                    따라 하다

              efficiently                                  효율적으로

              predictable                                예측[예견]할 수 있는

              shelf-search                               정보선반 검색

              extensive                                   많은

              be engaged in                            ~에 종사하다, ~으로 바쁘다

              probable                                   있을[사실일] 것 같은, 개연성 있는

              findings                                    조사 연구들

41-42       murder                                     살해하다

              murderer                                   살인자

              rage                                          분노

              extreme                                    극단적인

              octogenarian                             80대의 사람

              humiliated                                 수치스러운

              humiliation                                수치, 굴욕

              circumstances                            환경

              totally                                       완전히

              consciously                                의식적으로

              dramatize                                  각색하다

              incidents                                   , 사건

              desperate                                  극단적인, 극심한

              laborer                                      노동자

              protagonist                               주인공

              complicated                               복잡한

              makeup                                     사람의 기질

              incorporate                                (일부로) 포함하다

              aspects                                     관점

              quick temper                             급한 성미

              apply                                        적용하다

              take advantage of                      이용하다

              insider                                      내부자

              objectivity                                 객관성, 타당성

              control                                      수위 조절

              intense                                      극심한, 진지한

              by definition                              당연히

43-45       election                                     선거

              congratulate                              축하하다

              disappointment                          실망

              apologetically                            변명하여, 변명적으로

              damage                                     손상하다

              respond                                    응답하다

              reply                                         대답하다

              for life                                      평생

              spot                                          발견하다

              nomination                                지명, 공천, 임명

              clear one's throat                       헛기침을 하다

              register                                     등록하다

              air of tension                             긴장감

              flat tire                                     타이어가 빵꾸 나다

              pull over                                   길 한쪽으로 차를 대다

              ruin                                          망치다

              atmosphere                               분위기

              apologize                                  사과하다


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